The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology and Travel: a Compendium of Literature

Oniya, Ouwayeni and Gumbo, Trynos and Moyo, Thembani and Mbatha, Siphiwe (2021) The Relationship between Information and Communication Technology and Travel: a Compendium of Literature. CITIES 20.50 – Creating Habitats for the 3rd Millennium: Smart – Sustainable – Climate Neutral. Proceedings of REAL CORP 2021, 26th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society. pp. 907-917. ISSN 2521-3938

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Over the years, the focus of transportation planners has only been on physical travel; neglecting the fact that information and communication technologies may influence travel demand. However, with the advent of telecommunications and other advanced technologies, modern telecommunications are rapidly increasing the accessibility to activities that previously only could be reached by physical transportation. The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is an essential element for the success of transportation planning. ICTs provide access to information on where, when, and how to make trips thus reducing the negative externalities associated with transportation. In recent years there has been progress in mobile technologies that have influenced and necessitated the growth and development in the transport sectors in all the three worlds; the developed, transitional and the developing worlds. Various scholars have contracting views on the relationships that exist between telecommunication and transportation. Consequently, this study reviewed literature on these relationship as well as examine the impact of information and Communication technologies on travel. The study adopted the Prisma approach by extracting relevant information from peer reviewed journal articles and proceedings. Although the outcomes of these interactions are complex as they both highly depend on each other and there are conflicting views on the relationships; the latest developments call for the need to address the relationships between ICTs and transport. The study recommends that ICTs offers a possibility to increase the efficiency of the existing infrastructure supply and such functions includes Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs), a technology aimed to directly increase the efficiency of the traffic system and as well influence the passenger demand in such a way that the road capacity is optimally utilized.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Information and Communication Technology; Travel Demand, Intelligent Transport System
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Depositing User: REAL CORP Administrator
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2021 20:21
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2021 17:49

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